e option of connecting to a conference on the fly,


to offer mobile users the option of connecting to a conference on the fly, using a notebook, a tablet or even a smartphone. thehappyworld.org nified communications should be able to provide continuity between mobile devices and enterprise collaboration, offering consistent quality of experience across platforms, effectively catering for mobile demand.


Mobile unified visual communication solutions now allow users to connect and collaborate face-to-face on smartphones or tablets, no matter where any of the users are located. This provides the freedom required by a mobi thehelloamerica.com le workforce to meet anywhere and stay connected with a single device for phone calls, video conferences, email, content sharing, calendars thesecretoftime.net and more, while still ensuring the reliability, security, and enterprise-quality of video calls in any environment.

Whether users are on the go, working from home, in their office, in a conference room or in an immersive theatre, unified video conferencing and visual communication technology should be able to cater for it all. Technology has changed the face of video conferencing, bringing it up close and personal and enabling it to truly become a viable option to reduce travel time and experience the personal connection of face-to-face communications.



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